This section describes the three stages of Anveo Mobile App synchronization.
Stage 1 - Sending Data
In this stage, data from the mobile device is currently sending to Microsoft Dynamics NAV.
Stage 2 - Waiting for data and Downloading data
Your local data has been sucessfully sent to Microsoft Dynamics NAV and is now being processed. Microsoft Dynamics NAV is also calculating your personal delta package.
If a data package is ready for delivery, Microsoft Dynamics NAV sends this package to the mobile device. This is shown by status Downloading... You can see how many packages you have already received.
If Microsoft Dynamics NAV is very busy and still processing your received data or still calculating your update package, you may wait, or press cancel and receive the update package later. If you cancel, the sent data will be processed in background - no data will get lost. Also, Microsoft Dynamics NAV pre-calculates your next update package, so your next sync will be faster.
This message is shown after 1 minute of no response from Microsoft Dynamics NAV.
Stage 3 - Processing incoming data
After having received all update packages, Anveo Mobile App processes these packages.
Different View in Anveo Versions before 4.14
If the user is using Anveo Version before 4.14, the synchronization view provides a number instead of a percentage in stage 3. And the sync process might re-start in stage 1 sometimes. This is by design and no error. This behavior occures if the user cancelled a synchronization or the data connection was lost during a sync. No data will get lost.