
APP: How-To Create PDFs Offline & Print

What This Article Is About

Learn how to create PDF documents offline using the Anveo Mobile App for Microsoft Dynamics NAV. This article contains the PDF creation library and an example of a sales quote report design template.

Watch a short introduction video about Anveo Mobile App PDF printing.

Run this step-by-step process in your existing Microsoft Dynamics NAV environment with a running Anveo Mobile App demo environment.


Step-By-Step To-dos

  1. Import four Anveo Client Suite Action Codes via xml that is available for download at the end of this article.

    This contains four (existing and new) action codes:
    LIB_PDF: A new PDF libary that includes all commands to create PDF documents.
    LIB_FILE: An updated version of the existing LIB_FILE library including table Sales Header. This action code is responsible for FileRepository management. It allows to send a new PDF document to Microsoft Dynamics NAV.
    LIB_FORMAT: A new helper library to do decimal formatting.
    PDF_SALES_QUOTE: Report layout example of a sales quote (new Action Code).

  2. Import new text constants via xml (see download below) or create them manually.
    SALESQUOTE: Sales Quote
    PAGE: Page
    OF: of
    PRICE: Price
    AMOUNT: Amount
    TOTAL: Total

  3. Add table Company Information including the following fields to your Anveo Synchronization Package, if not existent yet.

  4. Add Action Code PDF_SALES_QUOTE to Anveo Page SALESQUOTE_CARD using a menu entry or button:

    Add as a button (example):

  5. Synchronize your app and open a sales quote. Create a new PDF document using your new button or new menu entry. You can view your report in your favorite PDF view. Printing is done from the PDF viewer using default printing features of your device.

  6. Create your own Action Code and use PDF_SALES_QUOTE as a template.
    A detailed description of all PDF commands is available in the Anveo Script documentation. Please download here (Anveo Partner login required).


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