What This Article Is About
After updating Anveo Web Portal to a newer version, some browser may still use data from the previous version in their cache. This may result in some misbehavior or layout issues. This article descripes on how to set-up Anveo Web Portal to get around this issue after an update.
In your root URL, use a redirection to Anveo Web Portal in your current version:
<TITLE>Your Anveo Web Portal Title</TITLE>
<meta http-equiv="Cache-Control" content="no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate" />
<meta http-equiv="Pragma" content="no-cache" />
<meta http-equiv="Expires" content="0" />
<FRAME SRC="https://YourURL/AnveoWebPortalV1/" NORESIZE>
It is important to have a version number attached in this URL. As a result, users will bookmark the root URL and not the current version of Anveo Web Portal.
Updating to a New Version
- If you provide an updated version of Anveo Web Portal, put the new one into a new version - like https://YourURL/AnveoWebPortalV2/ and update the root URL in the top.
- Remove the content of the previous folder to make sure no user is accessing this by another browser bookmark.
Note: If you change the URL this way and you are also using the direct login URLs, please make sure to re-generate and re-send the new URLs to your users. After such an update, the old direct login URLs will become invalid.