
APP: Performance Optimization: Log Files And Table Cleanup

What This Article Is About

Data processing in Anveo Mobile creates various log and temp files for analysis reasons. Furthermore, Anveo requires additional tables to store information for a fast delta synchronization for each user.

However, these log files and tables should be deleted from time to time to clean up your server system. A too large number of files and records in these tables may affect your system performance. Read in this article where to find files and tables for cleanup.


Step By Step To-Dos

Clean up all files in the following folders for each Anveo Mobile App instance that are older than 2-3 weeks. Keep younger files for analysis reasons.


  1. Anveo Server Transfer and Log Folders
    C:\Program Files\Anveo Server\Transfer\IN
    C:\Program Files\Anveo Server\Transfer\OUT
    C:\Program Files\Anveo Server\Transfer\ANVEOServiceTierLog

  2. Anveo NAV Log on Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server
    Lookup file path in Anveo Setup in Microsoft Dynamics NAV.

  3. Tempoary File Folder for Windows Users
    C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Microsoft Dynamics NAV\71\Server\MicrosoftDynamicsNavServer$InstanceName\users\default\DOMAIN\USER\TEMP\*.tmp

  4. Delete Unused User Devices
    It is very important to delete all unused Anveo User Devices in all Anveo Users. Especially for Step 5. You can run an Anveo Health Check to easily identify users with no activity for a long time.

  5. Cleanup Anveo Delta Server Tables (Anveo >= 6.01 only)
    Anveo Delta Server requires an internal storage of any record changes in Microsoft Dynamics NAV. These internal delta tables are designed to store the minimum possilble data only (the primary key of a record change).
    However, you may want to clean-up these tables from time to time to save space on your SQL database.
    Open Anveo Client Suite Set-up in Microsoft Dynamics NAV and run Clean up SQL delta tables.

  6. Cleanup Sending and Receiving Tasks
    All processed sending and receiving tasks are not required any more any may be deleted. Tables ACF Sending Task Header and ACF Receiving Task Header, Status Processed OK and Processed Error.
    However, make sure, all Processed Error data is not required any more. Please do not delete the last few days in case of a troubleshooting scenario.
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